Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tandem Nursing Journey (Part 1)

When I first knew that I am pregnant with the second one, I have this mix feeling of excited, sad, afraid, etc. I was excited because.. It goes without saying that everybody are happy when they are pregnant. I was sad because my boy is going to share his mommy and daddy with "somebody". I was afraid because I cannot imagine how to be fair with 2 kids later.. I still breastfed my son (exclusively breastfed him.. On demand, zero bottle-fed) during and through pregnancy and was wondering how to breastfed 2 kids.. Shall I stop him so that I can focus breastfed to the second one? I heard about tandem nursing but can I manage to tandem nursing them? Will the second one get enough milk when they share? Will the first allow the second one to share? Ooo my God.. But I have this strong intention to continue breastfed my first one.. Even tho it was sometimes not so comfortable with the growing belly..

Even though there were many questions on my mind about tandem nursing, I still have this desire to do it. I search thru the web about it, and this quote really encourages me, "tandem nursing is doable". From that moment on, I set on my mind that I am going to tandem nurse my kids when the second one born. As my belly grows bigger and after I knew the gender, I started telling my boy that he will have a little sister soon and therefore he will have to share the "nenen". I told him mommy has 2 "nenen".. 1 for him and 1 for the sister. At 2 years plus, I don't think he really know what I mean but I take it as yes from him. (Hahaha.. Just to made me feel bette, I guess)

Then.. The little sister born.. When he came to the hospital to visit me and wanted "nenen", I gave it to him. I was wondering what will be his reaction when he sees me feeding his sister. I kept praying that it gonna be alright and yes!! When he came to the room (at the hospital) while I am feeding the baby, he just smile. After finished feeding the baby, he came to me and ask for his "nenen". I just wanna cry how understandable can he be (that was what I feel).. 

At home.. This was the hardest part. Every time when I want to feed the baby, he also come and latch on the other side. Since it was the first time I have to feed 2 kids at 1 go, o my God..  How to position them so that both can latch? 

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